Others seem to have the same problem Sorry, running out of ideas. I want desperately to get 3 monitors to work. So to confirm, it is an on board card and an additional would be half height. See all Used offers. I am not sure what to do next in order to get this working.
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They hope these examples will help you to get a better understanding of the Linux system and that you feel encouraged to try out things on your own.

See all 81 reviews.

Having done a lot of hua210 into these devices, I had a pretty good idea what I'd find if I looked into this one. Thanks for your input.

Technical Details

I was not quite sure where to post this, and could not find an existing thread that already answered my question. Im using KDE, sorry for not saying that before.

The manufacturer of this product openly supports LINUX for other devices they sell, but not for this one. Customers also shopped for.

Shopbop Designer Fashion Jka210.

Does anyone know where can I find drivers that could help me to solve this situation? I just bought a new laptop, they don't come with VGA inputs anymore at least the newest ones. Amazon Renewed Refurbished products with a warranty. Always works, beware, you will have trouble if you try to linjx different brands of these adapters on one machine, if you stick with this adapter for jua201 first one then get a second one.

One person found this helpful.

[ubuntu] Multi-Monitor: USB External VGA Video

I'm in desperate need of making it work with KDE-Ubuntu. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. Join Date Jun Beans 8. Or if it is an on-board adapter then deactivate that and use the additional card on its own.

Otherwise great product and good build quality. If you need to reset your password, click here.

From what I could see after some googling I agree that sisusbvga is probably the thing to try, but I have never played with it myself. So I went searching and found others had been trying to do the same thing.

vga to usb Dual Monitor

This book contains many real life examples derived from the author's experience as a Linux system and network administrator, trainer and consultant. English Choose a language for shopping. Open Source Consulting Domain Registration. Please, I am begging you December 1st, 8. Buy the selected items together This item: Linhx 13th, 5. Showing of 81 reviews.

J5 Create JUA210 USB 2.0 VGA Display Adapter

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